A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed
Batam, 12 November 2005
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.
But where are those people called “My Friends” now?
Pagi ini aku berasa “moody” terus…seraya mencari-cari dimana orang-orang yang kuanggap teman itu…..orang-orang yang nomor telponnya menjadi prioritas dihubungi saat aku pengen curhat…..orang-orang yang memberikan support lewat YMchat, email ato sms…..
“u r a strong and capable gal. Soon you’ll get the break thru. Just remember to send me chocolates when it happen”
“Old order changeth yielding place for the new. Be +ve”
“Ur a survivor & a fighter, u’ll be ok soon. I’m sure of that. Just give it some time, Rina”
“…ur the most dynamic and potential. They believed in you. Now you must believe in you”
“….bukan maksain…tapi ngusahain…jangan nyerah…”
“Congrats ya…sekarang dah mau ketemu orang kan?:-D”
Kemana kalian semua?!
“Aku mesti ke Jakarta, Na.”
“Aku ada acara lain, mbak…gak bisa datang!”
“Am in Puebla, Mexico now….”
“Saya coba go show di bandara..siapa tau dapat tiket ke Batam”
“I cudnt come la, wish I could….”
“I’ll be 3 weeks in Khi…bravo!Great news, humpty dumpty!”
Aku sedih…feeling lonely…orang-orang yang ada saat aku menangis justru tidak ada saat aku ingin tertawa.
But one thing for sure, KAU selalu ada dimanapun aku berada, membawa serta hati kedua orangtuaku, keluarga terdekat dan sahabat2ku.
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.
But where are those people called “My Friends” now?
Pagi ini aku berasa “moody” terus…seraya mencari-cari dimana orang-orang yang kuanggap teman itu…..orang-orang yang nomor telponnya menjadi prioritas dihubungi saat aku pengen curhat…..orang-orang yang memberikan support lewat YMchat, email ato sms…..
“u r a strong and capable gal. Soon you’ll get the break thru. Just remember to send me chocolates when it happen”
“Old order changeth yielding place for the new. Be +ve”
“Ur a survivor & a fighter, u’ll be ok soon. I’m sure of that. Just give it some time, Rina”
“…ur the most dynamic and potential. They believed in you. Now you must believe in you”
“….bukan maksain…tapi ngusahain…jangan nyerah…”
“Congrats ya…sekarang dah mau ketemu orang kan?:-D”
Kemana kalian semua?!
“Aku mesti ke Jakarta, Na.”
“Aku ada acara lain, mbak…gak bisa datang!”
“Am in Puebla, Mexico now….”
“Saya coba go show di bandara..siapa tau dapat tiket ke Batam”
“I cudnt come la, wish I could….”
“I’ll be 3 weeks in Khi…bravo!Great news, humpty dumpty!”
Aku sedih…feeling lonely…orang-orang yang ada saat aku menangis justru tidak ada saat aku ingin tertawa.
But one thing for sure, KAU selalu ada dimanapun aku berada, membawa serta hati kedua orangtuaku, keluarga terdekat dan sahabat2ku.
At 10:23 PM, Anonymous said…
Guess I'm one of those people, huh.. :(
Well, just incase you forget, the term "A friend in need is a friend indeed" goes both ways. Again, both ways..!!!
Guess u don't need me now..
At 10:46 PM, Anonymous said…
If you're one of "those people", then i'll always need you. But sometimes those people dont need me as much as i need them...:-(i guess u know that, dont u?!:-(
At 5:51 AM, danty said…
mbak dulu pernah tinggal di medan enggak kayaknya pernah ngeliat bulan alumnus sman 4 yah
At 1:24 PM, danty said…
bener kalo gitu aku junioran setahun dibawah barengan nino & efa fis 1 kan mbak
At 2:48 PM, Anonymous said…
hallooow mba....waaah ganti leyot yaaa hehehe
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